I came into Bucknell undecided but I had always loved history in high school and chose to take Urban Americas with Professor Campbell my freshman spring semester. This class reminded me of how much I enjoy learning about history and convinced me to pursue a major in this field. Something I love about the history department is how diverse the courses are which allow you to learn about a vast network of historical time periods and places all in one semester. I’ve watched movies about worker’s rights and capitalism in the United States, read a book focused on the modern day Israel-Palestine conflict and learned about the history of mental illness from thousands of years ago to the present day in Europe. One of my favorite parts about the history department is how small it is; I have been able to meet some of my closest friends at Bucknell simply through taking multiple classes together that I would not have met otherwise. I always look forward to my history classes especially at the upper levels as the professors are so engaging with the topics that it makes it exciting to learn about and finally find the connections between reading!