Jake (roommate) and Anthony are both History majors.
My name is Anthony Castellano, and I am currently a Sophomore at Bucknell University. Ever since I can remember, I have had a love for history, and even before I applied to college I planned to major in it. Originally, I thought that I would only be able to study history and nothing else. I am very happy to say that Bucknell has given me the opportunity to be able to pursue other areas of study as well. They have made it possible for me to triple major in History, Classics & Ancient Mediterranean Studies, and Geography while being able to study abroad; all within 4 years. I am very excited for my upcoming spring semester abroad in Greece, where I will be focusing on my History and Classics & Ancient Mediterranean Studies majors, especially considering we will visit historic and archeological sites. This is something that I could have never dreamed of doing while I was still in high school. Even the history courses at Bucknell are a lot different from those in high school where there was a heavy emphasis on memorization. The history courses at Bucknell focus more on questioning why things happened and what the consequences of these things were on a local and global scale. The courses that I have taken focus on interpretive analysis, analytical thinking, and persuasive communication. These skills are incredibly important to have if you were to pursue a career in the field of history, but also apply to a multitude of other careers as well as life in general. Aside from these skills, what really sets Bucknell and its History Department apart are the professors themselves. To the professors, you are not just a student in a classroom; you are a person that they want to get to know, build a relationship with, and mentor into the next chapter of your life.